• The Day Time Stopped Moving
All Dave Miller wanted to do was commit suicide in peace. He tried, but the things that happened after he'd pulled the trigger were all wrong. Like everyone standing around like statues. No St. Peter, no pearly gate, no pitchforks or halos. He might just as well have saved the bullet...

And so begins this classic story from Bradner Buckner, pen name for Ed Earl Repp, American writer, screenwriter and novelist.


Bradner Buckner was the pen name for Ed Earl Repp (May 22, 1901 - February 14, 1979), an American writer, screenwriter and novelist. His stories appeared in several of the early pulp magazines including Air Wonder Stories, Science Wonder Stories and Amazing Stories. After World War II, he worked as a screenwriter for several western movies.

Michael Daly is a New York-based stage, screen and voice actor with over 30 years of professional experience in the entertainment industry, including roles at major regional theaters, as well as television roles for HBO, CBS, and Warner Brothers. A proud graduate of Ithaca College, he also studied Vocal Performance at the British and American Drama Academy at Balliol College in Oxford, England.


The Day Time Stopped Moving

Author: Bradner Buckner

Narrator: Michael Daly

ISBN: 9798886420067

SRP: $6.95

Length: 0:38:00

Item No: LL649

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.