• First Generation: The Story of Annie

From author Diane E. B. Bray:

"I began writing First Generation to teach children to be responsible for their pets.  I wanted to show them that pets are living creatures deserving of proper care and respect.  It developed into much more.  First Generation is the story of great-great grandmother Annie, an iguana, who was brought to the United States from Mexico.  It follows her capture, journey, and acclimation to her new home. Young listeners will experience Annie’s feeling of loss and loneliness, her apprehensions and fears, and most importantly how she deals with these feelings, and overcomes perceived setbacks which are not actual setbacks at all.  I wanted to convey these important concepts in addition to many others, including being a first generation citizen, learning to adapt in a new environment, life away from family and familiar faces, remembering lessons and teachings, dealing with bullies and prejudice, and last but certainly not least...hope!  I wanted to inspire children to live their lives with integrity and respect for themselves, their families, and others.  And I wanted to entertain and move their parents, as well."


Diane Bray was born and raised on a dairy farm in north central Pennsylvania.  It is here that she learned to respect and care for the earth and all the life that it supports.  It is here that both sides of her extensive family taught her the importance of family.  Every year her paternal family gathers for a holiday weekend, sharing stories and news with upward of 50 extended family members.  But the biggest influence on Mrs. Bray’s views of family comes from her maternal grandmother and her sisters.  They always had stories of their own childhoods, as well as their parents’ stories, which they told at Sunday dinners, holiday gatherings, family reunions, weddings, birthdays, anniversaries ... well, you get the picture.

First Generation: The Story of Annie

Author: Diane E. B. Bray

Narrator: Diane E. B. Bray

ISBN: 9781593164300

SRP: $14.95

Length: 1:00:00

Item No: PL029

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.

Tags: children's, animal, animal welfare