• What Comes After Crazy
What Comes After Crazy is a warm, funny, poignant, and extremely real story about a woman who fights to stay true to herself--and to her two young children--after her husband has an affair and moves to the desert to 'find himself.'

Maz Lombard is a single mother with two high-strung daughters and an even more high-maintenance mom, the all-seeing, all-knowing, many-times-married Madame Lucille. Maz is struggling to put her life together after her unfaithful husband, Lenny, never managed to find his way back home after going off to Santa Fe to build condos two years ago. All she wants is a normal life with ordinary people around her. Once afraid of taking risks of any kind, Maz suddenly finds herself going overboard, even falling in love with a much younger man from the daycare center all to the dismay of her troubled, sad adolescent daughter, who is beginning to believe she has inherited the family psychic gene and is terrorizing the kids on the playground.

When Madame Lucille, her new husband, and Lenny all land on her doorstep one day, Maz decides it's time to stake out what she truly stands for--especially when Lucille and Lenny cook up a plan that throws all of their lives into turmoil, forcing Maz to face a new round of betrayals by the people she once trusted. In the process, Maz learns that it's not enough to simply reject your past and attempt to cut yourself off from it. The crazy, unhappy parts of our lives have much to teach us. By learning to forgive, Maz is able to define herself on her own terms--and finally live that authentic life she has always wanted.


An acclaimed author, Sandi Kahn Shelton has been on Wall Street Journal Radio Network, All Things Considered, CBS Evening News, NBC Today Show, Good Day New York, and The O'Reilly Report to promote her two previous books, Sleeping Through the Night... And Other Lies and You Might as Well Laugh. She is a feature writer for the New Haven Register and used to write the monthly Wit's End column for Working Mother magazine. She is a frequent contributor to several women's magazines, including Women's Day, Family Circle, Redbook, and Ladies' Home Journal. This is her first novel.


Fran Tunno is a voice actress in Los Angeles. She's been the voice of thousands of commercials, both on radio and television, as well as numerous audiobooks. Fran is also a published writer and a former L.A. radio personality. She lives in Glendale, California with her husband and two children.



"Fran Tunno's clear, even delivery, in the hushed tones of sharing a secret with a friend, identifies each character through nuances, accents, and character shading. Her portrayal of 10-year-old Hope is deliciously on target as whiny and bratty. Blatant sexual scenes, sometimes coarse, are filled with innuendo and tension. Tunno provides exceptional narration to quirky characters and a laugh-out-loud story."

"Shelton's lively novel is perfect for readers who enjoy the antics of quirky characters."

Library Journal
"...with characters who are energetic, quirky..."

"A zany, affecting first novel whose heroine longs to raise her daughters in a normal home, but whose plans are thwarted when her hubby runs off with her child's daycare teacher. Plenty of laughs here."

What Comes After Crazy

Author: Sandi Kahn Shelton

Narrator: Fran Tunno

ISBN: 9781593163259

SRP: $34.95

Length: 12:00:00

Item No: LL344

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.

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