• Throw Out Fifty Things: Clear the Clutter, Find Your Life
Throw Out Fifty Things is truly an eye-opener. According to author Gail Blanke, our lives are so filled with junk from the past--from dries up tubes of crazy glue to old grudges--that it's a wonder we can get up in the morning, never mind get to work, care for our children and parents, and just put one foot in front of the other.

Blanke wants to start a movement across America of people throwing out fifty things (magazines count as only one!) that will help liberate us from the stuff--both physical and mental--that clutters our lives. It's the physical stuff that keeps us from being happy and calm in our house--not to mention keeps us from finding our keys in the morning!

And it's the clutter in our mind that drags us down and holds us back from living the life we want to live. Blanke takes us through each room in the house and helps us get rid of 'toxic' possessions that remind us of failed relationships, bad jobs, etc., then she'll help us figure out what to keep so we can move forward and find out who we really are!


Gail Blanke, a renowned executive coach and presentation skills trainer who has advised CEOs, presidential candidates, and college presidents, is the author of two previous books, In My Wildest Dreams and Between Trapezes.



"The masculine tone in the author's voice and her natural confidence at the microphone give this recording an arresting, beautiful sound. Her emotional expressiveness is so satisfying to hear... Banke has an especially resonant voice, kudos to the virtuoso engineer who knew exactly how to capture and shape her melodic sound. The author's personal de-cluttering anecdotes give this advice a down-to-earth, inviting quality that makes her entire message irresistible."

Gail Sheehy, author of Passages and Sex and the Seasoned Woman
"Blanke's strength is her ability to illuminate simple acts that save time, money and many headaches, in a clear commonsense language."

Throw Out Fifty Things: Clear the Clutter, Find Your Life

Author: Gail Blanke

Narrator: Gail Blanke

ISBN: 9781593164348

SRP: $23.95

Length: 3:34:00

Item No: LL438

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.