• The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel
Providing frightening and funny real information, this indispensable follow-up to the New York Times best-seller, The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook, continues as the definitive handbooks for those times when life (and travel) takes a sudden turn for the worse. Another essential companion for a perilous age. Because you never know...

The authors have appeared on 20/20, Today, National Enquirer TV, as well as in Time, USA Today, The New Yorker, People, Forbes, The Washington Post, Glamour and Entertainment Weekly.


Joshua Piven, a resident of Philadelphia, is a computer journalist and freelance writer, and is a former editor at Ziff-Davis Publishing. He has been chased by knife-weilding motorcycle bandits, stuck in subway tunnels, been robbed and mugged, has had to break down doors and pick locks, and his computer crashes regularly.

David Borgenicht, a resident of Philadelphia, is a writer and editor who has written several nonfiction books. He has ridden in heavily-armored vehicles in Pakistan, stowed away on Amtrak, been conned by a grifter, broken into several houses (each for good reason), and has "borrowed" mini-bottles from the drink cart on delta.

Penn Jillette, who has been called the most wired magician on this planet, is the more gregarious half of Penn & Teller-the world's most famous magic duo. Since 1975, Penn & Teller's award-winning theater show has been a long-running hit on and off Broadway.



USA Today
"This is a no-nonsense, no-fooling-around guide with straightforward information. But fear not. The authors have enough perspective to acknowledge the campy appeal of an armchair guide for the anxious."

Book Magazine
"The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel will have you ready for just about anything."

The Worst-Case Scenario Survival Handbook: Travel

Author: Joshua Piven, David Borgenicht

Narrator: Penn Jillette

ISBN: 9781593162696

SRP: $19.95

Length: 2:29:00

Item No: LL288

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.

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