• The Prosecutors: A Year in the Life of a District Attorney's Office
Depicting American justice at its best and worst, The Prosecutors lifts the lid off today's legal system with details that are more shocking and graphic than any television show or bestselling novel. Allowed unprecedented access to spend a year inside an urban prosecutor's office, Gary Delsohn provides a riveting, behind-the-scenes look at how America's increasingly overburdened judicial system really functions.

Seen through the eyes of the main characters in this true-life drama--John O'Mara, a tough, jaded homicide chief and Jan Scully, an accomplished, former sex crimes prosecutor who is now D.A. The Prosecutors shows us these dedicated public servants at work. The cases they encounter within the year are as shocking as they are indelible.


Gary Delsohn is a senior writer for the Sacramento Bee. A recipient of the Alicia Patterson Foundation Fellowship, he is a past Knight Fellow at Stanford University. His work has been featured in Salon.com, the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News. Mr. Delsohn lives in Sacramento, California.


Publishers Weekly
"... the overall lesson of the book is that justice is, in the end, usually done."

The Prosecutors: A Year in the Life of a District Attorney's Office

Author: Gary Delsohn

Narrator: Gary Delsohn

ISBN: 9781593162917

SRP: $27.95

Length: 4:30:00

Item No: LL310

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.