• A Rare Recording of Thomas Watson Explaining the Invention of the Telephone

Born in Salem, Massachusetts, Thomas A. Watson (January 18, 1854 - December 13, 1934) was a bookkeeper and a carpenter before he found a job more to his liking in the Charles Williams machine shop in Boston. He was then hired by Alexander Graham Bell, who was  a professor at Boston University. They were known for the invention of the telephone.



Born in Salem, Massachusetts, Thomas A. Watson (January 18, 1854 - December 13, 1934) was a bookkeeper and a carpenter before he found a job more to his liking in the Charles Williams machine shop in Boston. He was then hired by Alexander Graham Bell, who was  a professor at Boston University. They were known for the invention of the telephone.

A Rare Recording of Thomas Watson Explaining the Invention of the Telephone

Author: Thomas Watson

Narrator: Thomas Watson

ISBN: 9798886422177

SRP: $7.95

Length: 0:10:00

Item No: LL765

Available on the following websites: Amazon, Apple, Audible, AudioBookStore, Audiobooks, Blackstone, Catalist, Epic!, Kobo, Libro.fm, Mackin, Overdrive, StoryTel, Tumblebooks.

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Tags: American, live recording, inventions, history, telephone